This class is the first half of our “Getting Your Goat” two-part series. This course is a practical, hands-on introduction to goat care and will help you make informed decisions about getting and caring for goats on your property. We will cover goat selection and uses, housing, fencing, zoning concerns, feeding, basic health care, bio-security, and breeding. The course will be taught partly at WEI with a significant part at nearby Wild Haven Farm, hands-on with the goats. *If you’re unsure if goats can be kept where you live, email George with your question: george@sunrisewildhaven.com
All are welcome – WEI classes are open to everyone.
Please note this is the first class in a two-part series; please register for both A Primer on Goat Husbandry for Homesteads (July 20th) and Goat Dairy Basics (July 27th).
Date and Time
Saturday Jul 13, 2024
9:30 AM - 3:00 PM CDT
July 20, 9:30am-3pm
Contact Information
WEI Education Program Manager
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